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Sheley Rayne

About The Author

Sheley Rayne was a quirky teen who rummaged through condemned buildings and played among tombstones. Once upon a time, she was a diagnostic technician in the field of fusion and pulse-power technology. (Machines who mothered CERN) An author, screenplay writer, and artist, with a bent towards the macabre, she turned in her scientific hardhat for novels and pencils. Sheley teaches high-school robotics, technology, and criminal forensics. This might be why she writes YA horror novels about controversial machines, set in altered realities, where gargoyles, darklings, fallen angels, and demons wreak havoc against human souls. Her characters face life-threatening challenges against monsters, science, and faith, but worse, they face impossible odds against themselves. She likens her characters to curiosity cabinets, each filled with shadows of wonder, gifts and talents, light and darkness, and good and evil. No matter their outward battles, it’s the ones they face internally that are the most important. Transformation, redemption, and change are themes reflected throughout her Dust to Diamonds Novels and Humanities Source Series.

Sheley Rayne


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