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Stephen B. Pearl

About The Author

Stephen B. Pearl is primarily a novelist that writes across the speculative fiction genera. In his Switch Board Universe, (Cloning Freedom available, Freedom’s Law December 2021) he postulates a variety of very alien species each with its own unique biology forming an interstellar republic. Also, in the Switch Board Universe, the nature and rationales for PSI abilities play a major role.


Stephen’s long-standing interest in metaphysics, and his Pagan faith, heavily influence his Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance books, (Nukekubi, The Hollow Curse, and Worlds Apart available, upcoming Revenant) which explore matters of religious intolerance and judging others based on false preconceptions. In The Chronicles of Ray McAndrues (Nukekubi and Revenant) The familiars play vital roles in the book’s action.


His studies into Norse culture and technology as well as a long stint in the Society for Creative Anachronism have both factored into his fantasy work The Bastard Prince Saga, (Horn of the Kraken and coming in 2021 The Mistletoe Spear, upcoming Wolf’s Son) coupled with a personal interest in weapons throughout the ages and their counters lend credence to much of his writing involving battle both mental and physical.


Three of Stephen’s published works began life as hobby pieces, fanfic, written before he was published when he desperately needed someone to tell him he could write. For legal reasons, he will never divulge which show the much-altered works started life representing.

Stephen’s flagship series, Tinkers World (Tinker’s Plague and Tinker’s Sea) takes place in a realistic extrapolation of a post-oil Ontario encompassing available technologies and the consequence of the mess we are making today.


At a personal level, Stephen lives with his wife of 36 years and four feline tyrants who manage to manipulate him into ludicrous situations.

Stephen B. Pearl


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