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Stephen E. J. Tomporowski

About The Author

Born in 1952, I've always thought about writing and never did anything substantial until I met Yvonne Marrs who coached me to my first book and subsequently became my editor. I do have a day job as an Electrial Design Engineer. In that capacity, I have designed everything from medical equipment to bomb fuzes. One of those jobs sent me on trips for the company that spanned the USA and included the Netherlands.

Stephen E. J. Tomporowski


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Short Stories by the Author

The Day the Elves Stole My Wife

The Day the Elves Stole My Wife

“You’re just getting to be a lazy bum!” expressed my wife.
I never did like weeding the garden, but it was a job that needed to be done and I did it. Today wasn’t just a rebellion, you see, there were elves in the garden. My wife didn’t believe me.
“When haven’t I always done the weeding?” I protested. “But I’d rather not do it while there are elves down there.”

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Books by the Author

Raven:  The Call From Central
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