21 Hacks to ROCK your Life - the TEEN Edition!
Stop Stuffing Around, Get Focused and Create a Life that ROCKS!
Cat Coluccio
Nonfiction, How To, Self-Help, Body / Mind and Spirit
Publish Date
March 17, 2020
Short Description
What kind of life do you want for yourself? Really - you've never thought about it? Why not? What if I told you that you can be President - of anything one day. That owning your own home or car, or that creating your dream life is absolutely possible- if that's what you really want. It may take you a while to figure out your goals, but now ... (yes, right now!) is the best time to dream.
The next step? Creating some kind of a plan - even a loose one.

Book's Awards
Do you move enough, eat right, laugh out loud, get enough sleep, learn new habits and hear what your teachers are saying - not just in school, but the ones who help you learn anything, anywhere, anytime? There are some amazing insights and easy to understand and implement Hacks in the book that will wake you, shake you, and make you want more.
It's time to look up, listen up, and review what might await you when you're ready to say 'Yes, I'm Ready to say Stop Stuffing Around, Get Focused and Create a Life that ROCKS!'
And here's your personal handbook to help guide you there.