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A Ray of Sunshine

A Ray of Sunshine

Nina's Battle


Alfred Gill


Fiction, Children Books

Publish Date

June 13, 2020

Short Description

Nina was very excited to resume school after a fun filled holiday, she was eager to see her best friend Anna to hear all about the fun things she did overseas during the holidays but what she didn’t expect was to contact Covid-19 from Anna.


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Nina was very excited to resume school after a fun filled holiday, she was eager to see her best friend Anna to hear all about the fun things she did overseas during the holidays but what she didn’t expect was to contact Covid-19 from Anna. The story then follows the struggle of this school girl who has to suddenly go through a lot of tough experiences that no one in the family has ever thought of. The fight for survival is not only based on physical competitiveness but also mental toughness this time.

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Alfred Gill

Alfred Gill


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