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Dies Iræ

Dies Iræ

Revenge of a Reject


Daan Katz


Fiction, Psychological, Fantasy

Publish Date

March 26, 2024

Short Description

Dies Iræ: Revenge of a Reject is a dark fantasy novella, shining an unsettling light on the darkest side of humanity. Heavily character focused, it deals with subjects such as abuse of power, violence, and the thirst for revenge.

The novella takes its title from the ancient hymn: “Dies Iræ” (Day of Wrath) which has been set to music by composers throughout musical history.


The Winner

Book's Awards


"They tortured and humiliated me. They took my identity and everything I loved, and left me for dead at the gates of the Curridge Fermentry Enclave."


In a world ruled by crime and political scheming, morality is a luxury for the weak. Nobody understands this truth better than Lord Torvik Kovkatim, grandson of the fearsome King Yilva Peronin.


As a royal assassin, he takes pride in upholding the monarchy’s ideals and protecting its citizens. But when he is ordered to take the life of an innocent, his world shatters.

Exiled from the Royal Courts, and crippled for life, Torvik has nothing left to lose. Relentless flashbacks torment him and push him to the brink of madness. As his emotional wounds fester and fuel his hatred, a haunting melody of revenge echoes within him.


Embark on a journey into Torvik’s world and witness his turmoil as the line between sanity and madness blurs. Will his quest for vengeance lead to redemption or plunge him into the abyss of insanity?


A must-read for fans of Robin Hobb's character-driven tales, Alex Michaelides' mind-bending psychological intrigue, and Joanne Greenberg's poignant exploration of human nature.


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Daan Katz

Daan Katz


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