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Germs of War

Germs of War


Ketan Desai


Fiction , Medical, Action and Adventure, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller

Publish Date

September 24, 2017

Short Description

What if ISIS had biological weapons?


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Imagine a world where suicide bombers can pass through the world’s tightest airport security undetected, and deliver their payload to any nation on the planet. Now imagine that ISIS has the technology.

Tracy is a busy medical student, trying to make her way through an academic jungle when she stumbles upon a plot to use covert agents to carry out a biological attack on the US. Battling inept scientists, crooked politicians, and rogue CIA agents, she quickly finds herself thrust into a nightmare scenario in a race to stop the FineDierum* bacteria from destroying all of western civilization.

Based on real-world science, Germs of War gives the reader a terrifying vision into a world where terrorists can easily deliver weapons of mass destruction to any point on the planet. With the credentials to pen an authentic bio-terror story, Doctor Ketan Desai creates a compelling tale of intrigue, espionage, and horror on a scale unprecedented.

*Latin for End Of Days. In Arabic it would be: nihayat al’ayam

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Ketan Desai

Ketan Desai


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