Glaring Shadow - A stream of consciousness novel
BS Murthy
Fiction, Contemporary, Humor Fiction, Psychological, Teen and Young Adult, Urban, Women, Satire Fiction
Publish Date
May 29, 2014
Short Description
In a stream of consciousness mode, Glaring Shadow is the self-account of the life and times of a man, who liquidates his immense wealth only to consign it to the flames.
The agony and ecstasy of his life as he makes it big in our materialistic world and the way he loses his soul in the bargain, only to regain it when tragedy strikes him makes one ponder over the meaning of success in life.
This philosophical ‘novel of a memoir’ is a compelling read that is conducive to contemplate about the nature and scope of human relationships.
Book's Awards
Glaring Shadow is the recap of a man’s life who liquidates his accumulated wealth only to consign it to the flames. The agony and ecstasy of his life as he makes it big in our materialistic world and the way he loses his soul in the bargain only to regain it when tragedy strikes him makes one ponder over the meaning of success in life. This philosophical ‘novel of a memoir’ is a compelling read that is conducive for contemplation about the nature and scope of human relationships.