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Hiding Behind Robes

Hiding Behind Robes




Fiction, Contemporary, Crime, Historical, Mystery, Thriller

Publish Date

October 6, 2021

Short Description

Detective Samyn and his team have been summoned to the largest Catholic church in the region. No explanation was given over the phone, but Samyn would rather be in a church than deal with his boss's demands.

What starts out as a simple case of necrophilia theft becomes a case whose roots go back to Ireland and the dark history of the church. For many years, the church has had clergy who hide behind their robes.


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It's Monday morning and the last place Lt Detective Philip Samyn wants to be is in a church, but it's better than being with hiis boss. The presideing bishop requested Samyn and his team come to the back of parish and tell no one why they are there. Heck, he's not sure why their even going to the gothic cold building that brings back his past. All he knows is, when a churchprince calls, you better listen to what your instincts say. Things happen behind the church doors that are hidden by those who wear robes.


Bishop O'Malley wants them tp conduct an off-the-record investigation regarding the defiement of the prior bishop's tomb. Samyn suspects there's more going on than what the bishop has said. Turns out, he's right. he and hos team uncover a crimes which go back to Ireland's Mother and Baby homes and the Magdalene Laundries associated with them. When Friday dawns, lives are changed, and secrets are revealed which once were hidden behind robes.


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