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Hy Brasil: Island of Eternity

Hy Brasil: Island of Eternity


Robert E. Kearns


Fiction, Mythological

Publish Date

June 5, 2019

Short Description

Hy Brasil, the mythical island of Irish legend comes to life in this story by Robert E. Kearns


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The Winner

Book's Awards


Pencraft Awards 2019 , First Place Winner- Hy Brasil: Island of Eternity is inspired by the mythical island of Hy Brasil, said to have existed off the west coast of Ireland.

In this beautiful novel Kearns takes us on an adventure to the mythical island of Hy Brasil. There we discover an advanced society faced with an unexpected event that Olan is worried might destroy their civilization.

The story begins in present-day Ireland then travels back in time to an ancient and mysterious country that is populated with a people of Irish extraction. The citizens of Hy Brasil have evolved to the level of modern humans along with the technology that goes with it.

The tale concludes with a return to 21st Century Dublin and a marvelous discovery in the vaults of a museum before the finale that will leave you enthralled.

Through this book Kearns examines the relationship between past and present then delves into themes of life, death and continuance in a narrative comprising beautiful prose that is formulated in his own unique and wonderful style.

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Robert E. Kearns

Robert E. Kearns


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