I Had No One To Tell
Biography / Memoir, Nonfiction
Publish Date
March 23, 2019
Short Description
I Had No One To Tell is based on true events of a young girl surviving the odds to seek justice for the 2 male family members who raped her and her children. In which her 2 children are products of the uncle who raped her.
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Book's Awards
I Had No One To Tell is based on true events of a young girl who was raped by a family member inside the home. She soon found out she had no one to tell after she told her parents and his punishment was minimum. He then started to physically abuse the young girl before he raped her to keep her quiet. One day she decided to confide in an uncle she trusted and instead of helping the young girl he started to sodomize molest and rape her too. For years he raped her until she had 2 children by him in which he raped the youngest of their daughters and the other male family member raped the eldest daughter. She couldn't keep silent any and she went on a mission to show her children she would protect them at all costs.