Man and Manhood
(Responsibilities of men)
Mathew Musee Mulwa
Nonfiction, Family and Relationships, Self-Help
Publish Date
September 10, 2020
Short Description
Equip yourself with knowledge of living as a real a man. Man was created in the image of God himself, men were created first before women they therefore have more responsibilities.
Are you living as God intended you to live as a man?
This book is not for men alone when bible talks of man, it refers to mankind.

Book's Awards
"MAN AND MAN-HOOD" (RESPONSIBILITIES OF MEN) is a book which describes who a man is, his duties (responsibilities) as a man, his responsibilities and his role in the society at large.It is unfortunate that some grownup men don't know who they are. It is a book written to help men to become responsible in the society. I have observed men failing to take their full responsibilities as leaders in their families, as leaders in their communities and as leaders in this planet , i therefore decided to write a book to help all men.
Equip yourself with knowledge of living as a real a man. Man was created in the image of God himself, men were created first before women they therefore have more responsibilities.
Are you living as God intended you to live as a man?
This book is not for men alone when bible talks of man, it refers to mankind