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Refractions of Frozen Time

Refractions of Frozen Time

Star Trails Tetralogy Book 4


Marcha Fox


Fiction, Paranormal and Supernatural, Science Fiction, Teen and Young Adult, Thriller, Drama

Publish Date

October 16, 2014

Short Description

The discovery of a rare crystalline mineral that manipulates space and time provides the potential to reunite the Brightstar family at last. Controlling it, however, is another matter. With the Integrator closing in on the ability to destroy anyone for whom they have a mindprint, finding the secret of manipulating the two dimensions of time becomes a matter of life and death. But is time their ally or another enemy?


The Winner

Book's Awards


A discovery that links two dimensions of time...A prison ship's dirty little secret...Esheron has answers but will they arrive before it's too late?


Creena Brightstar believes the crystals discovered in the caverns can bring her family back together at last. But before she can finish unlocking their secrets, Integrator troopers discover their underground hideout, forcing a harrowing escape loaded with unexpected consequences. The dark and lonely days that follow change Dirck forever as fate plays out a hand dealt on Earth years before. Will time relent and give everyone a second chance?


Meanwhile, Augustus Troy is on the move again, armed with a weapon capable of destroying anyone opposed to his despotic goals. Do the Brightstars have what it takes to survive their final battle? Or will the family's longer-for reunion take place in another dimension of time and space?

Book Trailer

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Marcha Fox

Marcha Fox


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