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Riding with Ghosts, Angels, and the Spirits of the Dead

Riding with Ghosts, Angels, and the Spirits of the Dead


John Russell


Nonfiction, Body / Mind and Spirit, Biography / Memoir, Travel

Publish Date

September 17, 2020

Short Description

Then Came Bronson meets the paranormal.


The Winner

Book's Awards


Now, as the multiple award-winning author of my first nonfiction book—Riding with Ghosts, Angels, and the Spirits of the Dead—I'll bring you along with me on a truly magical ride as I travel thousands of miles off the beaten path to explore the paranormal from the seat of my beloved motorcycle, Melissa. Everywhere I roam ghosts, angels, and the spirits of the dead come to greet me, communicating intriguing messages to me and providing me with an incredible array of otherworldly manifestations.

Come along with me on an exciting daylong ride filled with mind-blowing supernatural interactions that appear to have been instigated by the intelligences behind crop circles.

Hike with me through vast, lonely woods as I experience a lifesaving encounter with a ghostly owl and a Native American Indian Spirit in a haunted forest.

Let's enjoy together a day's ride from my home base in Florida to Georgia, arriving at Savannah's famed Bonaventure Cemetery for a revealing paranormal investigation that left me astounded, giving proof that invisible intelligences watch us and hear the words we speak.

And then, just imagine: making a phone a ghost?

Encountering—and having interactions with—multiple UFOs.

In the aftermath of a notorious tropical storm ride along with me as I experience mystical weather events that are so bizarre that it makes me wonder if storms are controlled by intelligent entities, or if the tempests themselves may be cognizant.

Join me as I ride to a historic Civil War battlefield and share in my amazement when I'm treated to one of the most authentic battle reenactments possible...conducted by the phantoms of the soldiers who fought there.

Enjoy these and more incredible true stories of the paranormal. Come along for the ride!

Book Trailer

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John Russell

John Russell


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