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Skyler Phoenix

Skyler Phoenix

Love Grows In Honest Places Book 1


Damien Benoit-Ledoux


Fiction, Teen and Young Adult, Romance, Contemporary

Publish Date

June 19, 2017

Short Description

Skyler Phoenix thought he’d reached the top, only to be betrayed by the people who were supposed to love him most. As he’s driven to a new foster home, haunted by regret and the fallout of falling for his best friend, Cameron, Skyler vows never to be reckless again—especially when it comes to love. But fate has other plans.

In Skyler Phoenix, the first book in the Love Grows in Honest Places series, readers embark on a heartfelt journey of resilience, self-discovery, and the unexpected power of love. Perfect for fans of Something Like Summer, this is an emotional must-read.


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Skyler Phoenix had always dreamed of reaching the top, and he had finally made it-only to be crushed by the very people who were supposed to love him. He couldn't help but wonder if it was his fault; if he was the one to blame for their betrayal.

Regret weighed heavy on his heart as he reflected on his past mistakes. If only he hadn't been so foolish and reckless. If only he hadn't fall in love with his best friend, Cameron.

But as he sat in the social worker's SUV, being driven to a new home with strangers waiting on the doorstep, he knew that this was just another hurdle in his already difficult life. Skyler was determined never to make the same mistake again. He couldn't afford to be foolish or reckless, and he definitely couldn't risk falling for another charming boy.

Little did he know fate had other plans for him.

In the first book of the Love Grows in Honest Places series, "Skyler Phoenix" takes readers on a journey of self-discovery and unexpected love. If you loved the emotional roller coaster of "Something like Summer", this book is a must-read.

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Damien Benoit-Ledoux

Damien Benoit-Ledoux


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