Book's Awards
John ‘Griff’ Griffin is a man who plays by the rules – always and forever. No exceptions, no extenuating circumstances, no way and no how. This was his attitude in the navy and in the SEALs, and it’s his attitude now as he works as a bodyguard at Solid Security. No straying outside the lines, no getting creative with protocol. Definitely no crossing boundaries where the subject of a honeypot op is concerned. After all, staying safe in dangerous situations is all about staying in control – and Griff knows first-hand that life is full of dangerous situations.
What he doesn’t know is that in his life, the most dangerous situation by far is Claire Worthington.
A spoiled, selfish rich bitch who helped her ex-husband run a billion-dollar Ponzi scheme, Claire is hiding out from the press and angry former investors. Except – she’s not living like a woman with a massive escape fund stashed away in offshore accounts. She’s also not living like a woman with one foot out the door. No, she’s living her life in Denver like… she means it. Like she’s happy. Like she’s starting again, but humbly and on her own terms.
When Griff decides to break his own rules and fall for Claire, it’s the best, most liberating decision that he’s ever made. It’s also the riskiest, seeing as he’s lying to her about everything: his name, his job, the fact that he’s been sent to get close to her and gather information. If he told her the truth, would she forgive him? Should she forgive him? And what if she’s a criminal on-the-run after all? Will Griff care? Or will he turn on and turn in the woman that he’s come to love?