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Soul Solutions for Awakening Awareness

Soul Solutions for Awakening Awareness


Terri Kozlowski


Body / Mind and Spirit

Publish Date

September 21, 2024

Short Description

Everybody is fearless, knows who they are, and what their purpose is from birth. But childhood can cause fear and sever ties to their true selves. Soul Solutions for Awakening Awareness, the first book in Terri's Soul Solutions series, contains her first step toward recovery.

The first step in any life journey is realizing that you have to embark on an alternative path. This comes through awareness. But the egoic mind uses fear, keeping people stuck and stagnant. Becoming present and aware, changing your perspective, and opening your soulful eyes are some steps Terri illustrates in this thought-provoking book.

This book takes you on a journey to not only believe in miracles, but to see them in everyday life. Terri gives techniques to manage memories and ways to help people learn to relax so they can have balance in their life, which is the bridge to happiness. Soul Solutions for Awakening Awareness is a wonderful collection of healing tools anyone can adapt to their own life to awaken their own awareness.


The Winner

Book's Awards


In "Soul Solutions™ for Awakening Awareness," Terri presents her first step toward recovery, a powerful initiation into a life of clarity and fearlessness. She teaches us how to listen to the quiet voice within, to honor our feelings, and to reclaim the unwavering confidence we once possessed. It's a call to action, an invitation to embark on a path where we are once again guided by our true selves.

This book is more than a tool for personal growth; it's a compass pointing us back to our hearts. Terri's insight and guidance are inspiring us to rise above the noise of the world and to trust in the wisdom we were born with. As we navigate through her insights, we learn to dissolve the fears that bind us and to walk confidently towards a future defined by our authentic essence.

Let Terri's "Soul Solutions™ for Awakening Awareness" be your companion on this journey back to yourself. Remember, you were born fearless, knowing who you are and what your purpose is. It's time to awaken to that truth once again and to live a life illuminated by the brilliance of your own soul. Together, we can embrace our true nature and step boldly into a world where our light shines unconditionally.

Book Trailer

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Terri Kozlowski

Terri Kozlowski


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