Sweet Pea Trilogy
Mary Elizabeth Fricke
Fiction, Contemporary, Romance
Publish Date
December 23, 2018
Short Description
Description of the Sweet Pea Trilogy: To one man she gave her virginity; to another she gave her heart. One, she would mourn. With the other, she would share life's triumph and turmoil. With both she would endure times of love, and passion and complete happiness as well as times of despair, confusion, and sorrow. One day at a time—each day, building unforgettable memories.

Book's Awards
Description of the Sweet Pea Trilogy: To one man she gave her virginity; to another she gave her heart. One, she would mourn. With the other, she would share life's triumph and turmoil. With both she would endure times of love, and passion and complete happiness as well as times of despair, confusion, and sorrow. One day at a time—each day, building unforgettable memories.
Sweet Pea spans from the late 1960's into 2009. Set in rural Missouri, it is a story for those who remember the profound cultural changes and historical events that took place in the later part of the 20th Century. It is a nostalgic story of growing up; of forging lifelong friendships and loyalty within family that supports every life event, good or bad. It is a story of love that binds a man and a woman despite all odds. It is also a story of obsessive hatred and how such hatred destroys not only the innocent, but those who hate.
I firmly believe that, as we journey through life, most everyone reaches a point where some occasion causes them to analyze who they are and how they have come to be where they are. The occasion may be as profound as the death of a loved one or as insignificant as a change in the weather; but it triggers a strong inner scrutiny of one's own accomplishments, or mistakes.
For the primary character of Sweet Pea,Johanna Louise (called 'Johnie' by friends and family), the time to remember and 'to take stock' occurs after a telephone call from a distant relative informing her (warns her, actually) that an old nemesis has returned to the community. The prospect of facing her enemy again causes Johnie to contemplate her life, to examine who she is, how she has come to be where she is.