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The American Martyr

The American Martyr


Richard W. Kelly


Fiction, Contemporary, Political thriller, Thriller

Publish Date

November 24, 2024

Short Description

Brian Brample and his friends were finishing off their high school careers caring more about their weekend paintball games than the world that surrounded them. But an overseas war that United States allies are losing causes the government to bring back the draft in attempt to get the situation under control. Brian and some of his friends become the unlucky few who are conscripted to serve in a war that has a near 100% mortality rate.

In protest, they decide to control their own fate by engaging in a mass suicide. The message is clear, the youth of the nation are willing to die for their causes, not Washington’s. But, Brian Brample survives and those in Washington D.C. believe they have just found their scapegoat.

Now living through a never-ending onslaught of litigation Brian becomes the most infamous man in America. His friends and family abandon him one by one. The only people left in his life are his cellmates and his opportunistic legal counsel. When does a boy deserve help and when does he become the unfixable monster?


The Winner

Book's Awards


Brian Brample is the average American kid. He is most concerned with his job, paintball with friends, his dating life, and his driver’s license. As his sixteenth birthday approaches all the happening in the world are just background noise to his real life.

When the draft is reinstated and he receives a conscription letter, it feels like a death sentence at the hands of the rich and powerful.

Brian and his friends take a stand against dying in war, but in the aftermath only Brian is left alive. From a death sentence to a life sentence, he finds himself in a never-ending series of court trials making him the scapegoat of a movement that threatens the interests of the elite.

With the world against him, Brian Brample struggles to defend himself and find meaning with what is left of his life. Get caught up in this unpredictable thrill ride of conspiracy and betrayal.

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Richard W. Kelly

Richard W. Kelly


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