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The Centurion & The Queen

The Centurion & The Queen


Minnette Meador


Fiction, Historical, Romance

Publish Date

July 1, 2019

Short Description

They find themselves on opposing sides in the revolution, in love, and unable to stop the future.


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Marius has been stationed on the island of 60AD Britannia for sixteen years, since his demotion from the famous Praetorian Guard after his suspected involvement in the assassination of Caligula. When Delia enters his life, she challenges everything he believes, effortlessly strips away years of Roman conditioning, and angers him to the point of betraying his training, and his oaths. He simply cannot resist her. Delia is sister to an indolent Celtic king, but that role has turned to nothing more than another surrender. All she can do now is help her people survive the gradual conquest by Rome and their suicidal pride as so many throw themselves against the unstoppable Roman machine. The last thing she expected was to find herself craving the touch of an enemy.

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Minnette Meador

Minnette Meador


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