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The Great Adventure of Tom to Bermuda

The Great Adventure of Tom to Bermuda


Émilie Cossette


Fiction, Children Books

Publish Date

November 8, 2019

Short Description

Whether you get the incredible chance to move to Bermuda, you are a visitor who wishes to share a piece of your beautiful journey or simply curious to discover a new country, this book is perfect for all the little and older explorers who would like to learn more about this wonderful island.



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Mostly known for its legends and mysteries, Bermuda is, in fact, a true paradise on earth. With our friendly bermudian guide, George, you can travel all around the country and explore the many treasures of the island.

The Great Adventure of Tom to Bermuda is composed of vibrant images inspired by real places in Bermuda that children will love!

While it should be a pleasure for all children to read, this book will be particularly helpful for children:

  • who are making a big move and will be immersed in a new culture;

  • have travel anxiety;

  • want to broaden their knowledge of the world;

  • whish to join an adventure on a tropical island.

Children will be captivated by the colorful illustrations that perfectly reflect the vibe and flavor of Bermuda.

About the author

Once a research assistant in immunology and oncology, Émilie is now a full-time mom and first-time author of The Great Adventure of Tom to Bermuda. Having recently moved to Bermuda with her husband and two young children, she now lives as an expat in a country very different from her homeland in Canada.

Juggling between volunteering, pursuing studies and raising her children, she wants to provide a tool for future expatriate parents with her first book ¨The Great Adventure of Tom to Bermuda¨ to help their children enjoy a positive and peaceful moving experience.

Émilie loves cycling around the island to explore every beautiful hidden place, and she has just discovered the wonderful world of scuba diving. She is a book lover who appreciates the simple things in life and hopes to share these important values with her children.

Book Trailer

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Émilie Cossette

Émilie Cossette


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