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The Psi-Chotic Adventures of Drew Darby

The Psi-Chotic Adventures of Drew Darby


Richard W. Kelly


Fiction, Teen and Young Adult, Paranormal and Supernatural, Fantasy, Urban

Publish Date

March 11, 2015

Short Description

Drew Darby was an average high school kid. Well, an average, dorky, loner, high school kid whose parents made him get a part time job. Little did he know, when he stepped into the building for his new job, he was taking the first step on his way to becoming a soldier in the United States Army's Psychic Operations.

Drew is shipped off to boot camp to learn to fight enemies with nothing more than the powers of his mind. Back at home, his typical teenage existence is managed by a shapeshifting Major who is tasked with keeping Drew's life in order until he returns.

A world of psychics, shapeshifters, energivores, and magic is about to lead to the adventure of a lifetime. It could even change the fate of the humanity.


The Winner

Book's Awards


Drew Darby was an average high school kid. Well, an average, dorky, loner, high school kid whose parents made him get a part time job. Little did he know, when he stepped into the building for his new job, he was taking the first step on his way to becoming a soldier in the United States Army's Psychic Operations.

Drew is shipped off to boot camp to learn to fight enemies with nothing more than the powers of his mind. Back at home, his typical teenage existence is managed by a shapeshifting Major who is tasked with keeping Drew's life in order until he returns.

A world of psychics, shapeshifters, energivores, and magic is about to lead to the adventure of a lifetime. It could even change the fate of the humanity.

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Richard W. Kelly

Richard W. Kelly


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