The Quest for Happiness
To Be Happy, or Not to Be Happy. The Choice is Yours.
Paula Price
Nonfiction, Self-Help, Body / Mind and Spirit
Publish Date
August 9, 2024
Short Description
Happiness is a choice. This Interactive book will help you find ways to create sustainable happiness in your life.
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Book's Awards
You can choose happiness daily no matter what your circumstances are. Go on the journey to find it through things like healing, self-love, outlook, daily gratitude, choices and purpose. We may not be taught these subjects in school but it is up to us to continue to teach ourselves with love and compassion. By doing things like writing thank you notes, journaling, getting out in nature, meditating, creating things we love, and more; we are offered many ideas to encourage a positive change within us. Each chapter's ending poem sparks a perfect summation of content as well as encouraging creativity. This book will take you on the quest to find and choose your best possible plan for lifelong happiness.