The Terra Debacle
Prisoners at Area 51
Marcha Fox
Fiction, Humor Fiction, Paranormal and Supernatural, Science Fiction, Teen and Young Adult
Publish Date
April 28, 2017
Short Description
In May 1978 a UFO lands at Hill AFB in Ogden, Utah. NASA astrobiologist, Gabe Greenley, is called in to investigate a strange plant found onboard. Psi-sensitive, he quickly learns the specimen is highly intelligent and potentially dangerous. Subsequently taunted by a ground-breaking discovery he can never share, his security oaths eventually present an ethical dilemma with treasonous and deadly implications. [NOTE:--This book is a side story to the Star Trails Tetralogy, fitting in between books 2 & 3.]

Book's Awards
May 30, 1978 starts out as a normal night at Hill Air Force Base in Ogden, Utah--until a UFO requests permission to land. Its pilot changes its mind, but by then F-16s are ordered to escort the other-worldly vehicle to the ground. A human girl in her early teens and a robot exit the craft, a strange botanical lifeform found onboard by the USAF landing party. The vehicle, robot, and suspicious plant are impounded and transported to Area 51.
NASA astrobiologist, Gabriel Greenley, PhD, is called in to study this new lifeform. He attempts to take a leaf sample, but as a psi-sensitive quickly discerns that the specimen is highly intelligent and potentially dangerous. He backs off, frustrated, desperate to analyze this new species that combines sentience with a metabolism based on photosynthesis. Meanwhile, the specimen, a flora peda telepathisnamed Thyron from the planet Sapphira, is investigating his imposed environment using all frequencies of the electro-magnetic spectrum as well as his expansive suite of psychic abilities, which includes remote viewing.
Greenley eventually gets his leaf sample and makes a ground-breaking discovery that he can never share due to his security oaths and research agreement. Eventually, he's confronted by an even worse ethical dilemma that forces him to make a treasonous and potentially deadly decision.
This unique combination of hard science fiction, suspense, and a touch of humor includes memorable characters, a setting loaded with intrigue, and unexpected plot twists which combine to make this an unforgettable tale whether you're a science fiction fan, botanist, UFO aficionado, or simply enjoy a good story.