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Wise Up, Stand Up

Wise Up, Stand Up

101 Words of Wisdom


Doris Siu


Self-Help, Nonfiction, Family and Relationships, Health and Fitness, Body / Mind and Spirit

Publish Date

July 28, 2022

Short Description

Our lives are full of challenges, and we spend days (or years) walking on unpaved roads to get somewhere—yet that somewhere might not be the destination we intend to reach. In these moments, words of wisdom can motivate you to keep searching for the path that will lead you to where you want to be. Within these pages, you’ll find 101 life lessons, written as quotes, to inspire you to look for the positives in your life. Accompanying this quotebook is a 12-track instrumental collection, Sonder, created in collaboration with 12 talented artists in the lofi, soul, and hip hop communities to enhance your reading experience. Access to Sonder is available in this book and on all music streaming platforms.


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Wise up. Stand up. Read and be inspired.

You got this. When arranged in this exact sequence, these three simple words have the power to silence your doubts, internalize your dreams, and encourage you to push forward. While our words may seem weightless on paper, they carry considerable weight when others read or hear them, and have an even bigger impact on yourself.

Our lives are full of challenges, and we spend days (or years) walking on unpaved roads to get somewhere—yet that somewhere might not be the destination we intend to reach. In these moments, words of wisdom can motivate you to keep searching for the path that will lead you to where you want to be.

Within these pages, you’ll find 101 life lessons, written as quotes, to inspire you to look for the positives in your life. Accompanying this quotebook is a 12-track instrumental collection, Sonder, created in collaboration with 12 talented artists in the lofi, soul, and hip hop communities to enhance your reading experience. Access to Sonder is available in this book and on all music streaming platforms.

When you read quotes, it's like having a conversation with friends since it can be done anywhere, and at any time you need it. Get your dose of inspiration by reading quotes that serve as friendly reminders that your words can speak louder than your actions if you use them wisely.

Give yourself, or someone you know, the gift of wisdom with this collection of 101 inspirational quotes to keep you soaring to new horizons.

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Doris Siu

Doris Siu


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