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Exclusive Interview with

JD Penley


When did you start writing?

I started writing back in 2018 as a way to deal with alot of things that were happening in my life.

JD Penley

What makes writing your passion?

I get enjoyment from creating characters and worlds for them to explore. There is no better feeling than finding that groove and having the character lead you where the story goes.

JD Penley

How long have you been writing?

Almost 3 years now.

JD Penley

What was the feeling when you published your first book?

Excitement, terror, pride, and sadness.

JD Penley

What’s the story behind your choice of characters?

The characters from my first book came about as an answer to typical vampire tropes. I got tired of the sullen, brooding, emo and whiny vampires, or the stereotypical monsters. I wanted to do for vampires what Stan Lee did for me with superheroes. Stan Lee made Spider-Man someone I could relate to, and so I wanted my character Lucas to do the same.

JD Penley

What annoys you the most in pursuing a writing career?

The amount of work it takes to get your work noticed, to be successful. It seems like its more work promoting the books than it is to write them.

JD Penley

How do you get over the “writer’s block”?

I've gotten lucky so far, and I haven't experienced that yet. My plan though, would be to go out and enjoy time with my family, to go and just enjoy the world around me and take it all in. I've found that ideas have come to me in the car, out in a park, or even at work.

JD Penley

We all know the writer’s path is never easy, what makes you keep going? What advice would you give to new authors?

My drive to keep going is in part due to several different factors. I want to grow as a writer, and be successful to a point where I can transition away from a 9-5 job and focus only on writing. I want to provide a good life for my family, not just survive paycheck to paycheck. Lastly, I want to show others that this is an obtainable goal, so in line with the advice for new authors....NEVER GIVE UP. Find your story, tell it, and make yourself a part of it.

JD Penley

If you could go back in time and talk to your younger self, what would you say?

Avoid your first marriage at all costs, marry that girl that got away (which I actually ended up doing after all) and start writing sooner. I'd tell him all about my successes, and how to make things work, and I'd also tell him to invest in crypto currency

JD Penley

Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with the bad ones?

I do read them, and I enjoy hearing about people's thoughts on my work. I have gotten lucky and have had a "bad" review, but I would listen to what they have to say and not take it personal. My stories may not be for everyone, but for those that enjoy them, it fills me with joy to hear about it!

JD Penley

What is the feeling when you get a good review?

I'm over the moon! It feels good to be validated by a reader, to know that my work touched them in some way.

JD Penley

Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?

I have actually in a small way. I've created characters based on my daughter, my wife, and friends, as well as giving my main character parts of my life in a way.

JD Penley

Which of your characters you can compare yourself with? Did you base that character on you?

Lucas was a part of me as well as a range of emotions I was dealing with at the time.

JD Penley

What do you think, the book cover is as important as the story?

The cover tells a story before the book is even opened. I think for fiction it has to get your attention and pull you in before you even look to see if you might be interested in the story.

JD Penley

Do you connect with your readers? Do you mind having a chat with them or you prefer to express yourself through your writing?

I love talking to them. I have a group on Facebook for the fans of my author page where I post giveaways and book promos I do with other authors, and fans can message me for a chat from there as well.

JD Penley

How do you feel when people appreciate your work or recognize you in public?

I love when people appreciate my work, but I haven't gotten big enough to be recognized in public.

JD Penley

Who is your favorite author? Why?

Favorite author is probably Drew Karpyshyn. Loved his work on KOTOR and Mass Effect as well.

JD Penley

What’s the dream? Whom would you like to be as big as?

I want to be bigger than J.K. Rowling.

JD Penley

Would you rewrite any of your books? Why?

I actually rewrote my first novel after 2 years. It had sat stagnant and the cover needed a facelift. I ripped the book into two separate novels (book 2 is actually coming out very soon) and just poured through it to make it even better.

JD Penley

If you could switch places with any author – who would that be?

I don't think I'd want to switch unless we are switching bank accounts and houses as well.

JD Penley

What would you say to the “trolls” on the internet? We all know them – people who like to write awful reviews to books they’ve never read or didn’t like that much, just to annoy the author.

Get a hobby. Go troll each other. Toxic behavior for the sake of entertaining oneself is a poor waste of time. If you have the time to "troll" other people for their work, you have the time to prove you can do it better, so make something of yourself instead of being a cancer on society.

JD Penley

What would you say to your readers?

Thank you so much for being a part of my journey. I write not only to tell stories, but to create worlds for readers to escape to as I have in countless books in the past. You make doing this worthwhile!

JD Penley

Share a bit about yourself – where do you live, are you married, do you have kids?

I currently live in North Carolina with my wife and two children.

JD Penley

What is your day job if you have one?

I work in the IT department for the American Board of Pediatrics.

JD Penley

What are your hobbies? What do you do in your free time?

I love reading, video games, photography, traveling, and working on cars.

JD Penley

Did you have a happy childhood?

For the most part, yes. I wasn't exactly a popular kid though, so I didn't have alot of friends and was picked on quite a bit growing up.

JD Penley

Is there a particular experience that made you start writing?

No particular experience, the timing just felt right.

JD Penley

Do you have unpublished books? What are they about?

I have book two of my series about to come out soon. It is the sequel to No Peace In Death, and picks up immediately after that book.

JD Penley

What do you think should be improved in the education of our children? What do we lack?

We need to teach them simple life skills, such as car maintenance, responsible credit use, making and maintaining a budget.

JD Penley

If you were allowed 3 wishes – what would they be?

1) A bank account that never hits zero
2) Live forever with my family
3) The ability to grant other people's wishes/desires (just not as a genie)

JD Penley

What is your favorite music?

I listen to all types, but I have to say I'm kinda partial to hip-hop/rap/pop music.

JD Penley

Share a secret with us 🙂

I love sappy movies and love stories. I'm a sucker for Nicholas Sparks.

JD Penley
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