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Anger and Achan

John Monyjok Maluth

Anger and Achan were twin sisters who lived in a small village in South Sudan. They were very different from each other. Anger was born first, and Achan followed. Anger was fiery and fierce, and Achan was gentle and calm. Anger was a fighter and a rebel, and Achan was a healer and a peacemaker.

Anger and Achan lived in the same village, but they did not love each other. They belonged to the same family, but they did not respect each other. They had everything in common, except for one thing: they both wanted to escape their village and see the world.

Anger wanted to escape because she hated her village. She hated the rules, the traditions, the expectations. She hated the elders, the chiefs, the priests. She hated everything and everyone. She wanted to leave and never come back.

Achan wanted to escape because she loved the world. She loved the nature, the animals, the plants. She loved the people, the cultures, the languages. She loved everything and everyone. She wanted to see and experience the world.

One day, they both heard about a legend that would change their destiny. The legend said that there was a hidden city in the desert. The legend said that the city was full of wonders and secrets. The legend said that the city was guarded by a giant snake and a giant bird. The legend said that only those who could pass their tests could enter the city. The legend said that those who entered the city would find their true selves and their true gifts.

Anger and Achan believed and followed the legend. They both said they wanted to find the city. They both said they could pass the tests. They both said they wanted to find their true selves and their true gifts.

They packed their bags and left their village. They told their parents that they were going on an adventure. They said they would come back soon. They said they would make them proud.

They walked and walked and walked. They crossed the savanna and the river. They entered the desert and the sand. They followed the legend and the signs. They faced many dangers and difficulties. They overcame them with their skills and abilities.

They reached the desert and saw the city. It was a magnificent and mysterious place. It glittered and glowed in the sun. It was surrounded by a wall of sand and wind. It had a gate that was guarded by a snake and a bird. They said they were the guardians of the city. They said they would only let them in if they passed their tests. They said they had to prove their worth and their courage.

Anger and Achan accepted the challenge. They faced the snake and the bird. They answered their questions and dodged their attacks. They used their strength and their wit to overcome them. They impressed and befriended them. They opened the gate and entered the city.

They explored the city and saw its wonders. They saw the buildings and the statues. They saw the fountains and the gardens. They saw the library and the museum. They met the king and the queen. They said they were the rulers of the city. They said they were their ancestors. They said they had been waiting for them. They said they had a gift for them.

They gave them each a ring. They said they were the symbols of their power. They said they had to wear them and say their names. They said they would unlock their true potential and their true destiny. They said they would become the heroes of the city. They said they would protect and serve it.

Anger and Achan put on the rings and said their names. They felt a surge of energy and light. They transformed and revealed their true selves and their true gifts. Anger became a warrior and a leader. She had a sword and a shield. She had fire and lightning. She had courage and passion. Achan became a healer and a scholar. She had a staff and a book. She had water and earth. She had wisdom and kindness.

They looked at each other and smiled. They hugged and thanked each other. They said they loved each other. They said they were proud of each other. They said they were happy for each other.

They looked at the king and the queen. They bowed and thanked them. They said they were honored and grateful. They said they were ready and willing. They said they would accept their gift and their destiny.

They looked at the city and cheered. They said they had found their home and their purpose. They said they had found their true selves and their true gifts. They said they had found their adventure and their legend.

They were Anger and Achan. They were twin sisters. They were heroes. They were everything.

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