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The Children's Story by Rishikesh Upadhyay

Rishikesh Upadhyay

Once upon a time, there lived an old Squirrel named Lakharke. Lakharke was known for her intelligent and patience. She lived in a big banyan tree nearby the maize cultivation area, where she spent her times advising the other birds and small animals around.

One cloudy afternoon, a young and thoughtless mouse named Muso scurried by Banyan’s tree. Muso was always in a hurry and never stopped to think before he acted. As he passed by, he noticed Lakharke sitting quietly on a branch of Banyan’s tree, her eyes closed in some thought.

"Good afternoon, Lakharke," Muso squeaked. "Why do you always sit there doing nothing? Life is too short to waste time in that way!"

Lakharke opened a right eye and looked at Muso. "Hello, Muso. I am not doing nothing. I am thinking and observing. Patience and intelligent come from taking the time to know the world around us ok"

Muso laughed loudly. "Thinking and observing? Oh really?

That sounds boring! I prefer action!" With that, Muso rushed away, leaving Lakharke to her wise thoughts.

A few days later, Muso found himself in trouble. He had discovered a piece of maize corn in a trap set by a farmer nearby banyan tree. Without thinking, he rushed to grab it, only to find himself caught in the trap. He struggled out, but he couldn't free himself from the trap.

As night fell, Lakharke, who had been watching from the banyan tree, flew down to where Muso was trapped. "Oh, Muso," she whispered gently. "You must learn to be patient and think before you act."

Muso looked up at Lakharke with extensive eyes. "Please help me, dear Lakharke! I promise you to be more patience and intelligent in the future."

Lakharke moved and carefully used her front legs to undo the trap, freeing Muso. The young and thoughtless mouse was grateful and promised to change his ways. From that day onward, Muso took Lakharke's advice to his heart. He slowed down, thought carefully about his actions, and became known as one of the intelligent creatures in that particular area.

The other birds and small animals around noticed the change in Muso and admired him for his newborn patience and intelligent. They realized that even the smallest and most thoughtless among them could learn valuable lessons and grow.

And finally, Muso and Lakharke became close friends, often seen together under the banyan tree, thinking and observing the world around them. That particular area around maize cultivation was a happier place, with all the small animals and birds learning from Muso’s experience.


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